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Chalkboard Wall Art Series: An Introduction

Here’s the thing…chalkboards are a badass art supply. They’ve versatile, they’re fun, they’re easily erased and fixed, they’re inexpensive, they’re practically perfect in every way. That’s why it’s an absolute atrocity that most of the chalkboards in this world are splattered in that “live, laugh, love” shit that all the suburban moms are into.

That said, yes, one of my newsletters will be a how-to for basic calligraphy and I’ll have a number of floral tutorials. If you choose to use that knowledge to make a “the world laughs in flowers” sign or whatever, that’s your purgative, but I WILL roll my eyes at you. You’ve been warned.

My most popular work is my large-scale stuff so I thought I’d hone in on chalkboard walls for a little while.

I understand that interest levels vary so I’ve decided to break this series out into three separate layers. They’re all good on their own but when you bake them together, you’ll have even more delicious knowledge to satiate your artsy hunger!

  1. Social Media Posts

    This is where you’ll see my artwork. You won’t get much information in terms of process, supplies, how’s, why’s, etc. but you’ll see what I make.

  2. Blog Posts

    Here you are, reading my blog! In future blog posts, I’ll be sharing a lot of how-to’s, supplies, challenges, and design ideas (and believe me, I have about a million). This will be my place for more general information, a spot where you can ask questions, and we can engage in a more open forum, or you can just pickup some good tidbits of information.

  3. Newsletters

    This is where I’ll be sharing all my insider tips, tricks, techniques, and more. You’ll get a more behind-the-scenes look at the unglamorous world of chalk art. If you’re interested in learning chalk art or expanding your existing skillset, I will be sending out a ton of tutorials on everything from faux-mosaics, to a variety of florals, to portraits. I’ll have work for every skill level from beginner to advanced artists. You won’t hear from me every day in newsletters, far from it, but if you’re like me and like learning at your own pace, this is a great way to go about it.

Everything I will be showing you will be applied to chalk wall designs. That’s not to say that the information I share can ONLY be applied to chalkboard walls; far from it. A lot of my processes seem to jive with oil pastels, acrylic paints, watercolors, and more. Here’s the trick: it’s all layers (ummm…is that a future blog post I smell?? You’re darn tootin’!).

Okay, here’s the earnest bit: chalk is a beautiful art form and I don’t see enough of it in the world. If I can show a few people a few cool things, I want to see what they do with that knowledge. I want them to teach me something in return. If nothing else, I just want to share my deepest joy with other people.

This is an inexpensive medium and it is 100% LEARNABLE. I don’t have some fancy art degree. I just started playing around with this shit a few years ago and fell in love. If I can help someone else find that, it’s absolutely worth it.

So, if you’re into it, check back here every now and again and, for god’s sake, sign up for my newsletter! The first newsletter tutorial will be coming out on 3/20/21.

See this form in the original post